World Vexillology Day

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World Vexillology Day

Повідомлення ABG » 23 вересня 2019, 11:39

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Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques
International Federation of Vexillological Associations
Office of the President

Zagreb, 21 September 2019

Dear Members of the Federation,

We invite you to join us in marking 1 October 2019 as the World Vexillology Day.
The FIAV General Assembly, at its 25th session held during the ICV 27 in London 2017 recognized October 1 as World Vexillology Day, to promote vexillology as defined in FIAV Constitution - which is the creation and development of a body of knowledge about flags of all types, their forms and functions, and of scientific theories and principles based on that knowledge. The idea for designating and marking such a day was brainchild of the Portland Flags Association in 2016 and has since received the support of many FIAV Members. To see more on the adoption of the day in the article by Scott Mainwaring, who started the idea within PFA ( ... ology-day/)
It has been established practice so far that every institution and individual mark the Day in whatever manner is deemed appropriate, in order to popularize vexillological science to general public. Some organizations hold public lectures, others set up exhibitions and flag-hoisting ceremonies, hold flag related workshops for children in museums or libraries, or perhaps just having an informal gatherings of vexillologists and friends, do whatever you find it works best in your community! Marking World Vexillology Day should be non-partisan and only the promotion of vexillology as a field of study.
FIAV would like to hear about your plans and what activity was carried out. We ask that you report these events and activities in your periodicals and in local media. Please also post your activities on the World Vexillology Day Facebook page ( and/or on Tumblr (
Let us celebrate flag studies!
Best regards,

LTC Dr. Željko Heimer, lf, ff
FIAV President
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